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best quality peristaltic pump for concrete

The best quality peristaltic pump for concrete can save a lot of energy consumption. The reason for achieving this low energy consumption is, of course, its unique design advantages. By design, the inside of the pump body is rotated and squeezed along the hose with a pair of pressure rollers, so that the medium is transported in one direction without backflow, and the hose creates a high vacuum in the transport medium and sucks it. increase.

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The best quality peristaltic pump for concrete can save a lot of energy consumption. The reason for achieving this low energy consumption is, of course, its unique design advantages. By design, the inside of the pump body is rotated and squeezed along the hose with a pair of pressure rollers, so that the medium is transported in one direction without backflow, and the hose creates a high vacuum in the transport medium and sucks it. increase. The medium is sucked into the lumen again, sucked into the lumen again, pushed to the next pressure roller and discharged from the hose, and is continuously sucked and discharged. Thanks to this design, it can meet various requirements at the time of use.


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