Home » Refractory Gunning Machine » China manufactures dry refractory gunite mobile shotcrete machine

China manufactures dry refractory gunite mobile shotcrete machine

China manufactures dry refractory gunite mobile shotcrete machine that is very different from the ordinary dry-mix gunning machine. Fire artillery aircraft are usually equipped with ABB frequency converters, which can provide variable output during use. The high-pressure water pump supplies pressurized water to the nozzle, and the pressurized water is atomized by the water ring and mixed with the refractory material evenly.

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China manufactures dry refractory gunite mobile shotcrete machines specially designed for spraying refractory materials in steel mills. China manufactures dry refractory gunite mobile shotcrete machine that is very different from the ordinary dry-mix gunning machine. Fire artillery aircraft are usually equipped with ABB frequency converters, which can provide variable output during use. The high-pressure water pump supplies pressurized water to the nozzle, and the pressurized water is atomized by the water ring and mixed with the refractory material evenly.
China manufactures dry refractory gunite mobile shotcrete machine equipped with a new type of pre-damping nozzle assembly, with two sets of needle valves, which can accurately adjust the water volume during use, greatly reducing the dependence on operator skills.


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