Home » Hydroseeder » Diesel Grass Seeding Abrasion Resistance Hydroseeding Machine

Diesel Grass Seeding Abrasion Resistance Hydroseeding Machine

Diesel Grass Seeding Abrasion Resistance Hydroseeding Machine is mainly used for spraying and planting road slope protection, railway slope protection, power station construction wound surface, national defense engineering protection, lawn greening, etc.

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Diesel Grass Seeding Abrasion Resistance Hydroseeding Machine is a mixture of grass seed, fertilizer, water-retaining agent, soil, organic matter, stabilizer, and other mixtures that are fully stirred and mixed, and then sprayed uniformly to the engineering working surface to be protected by the sprayer according to the design thickness.
Diesel Grass Seeding Abrasion Resistance Hydroseeding Machine is mainly used for spraying and planting road slope protection, railway slope protection, power station construction wound surface, national defense engineering protection, lawn greening, etc.


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