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High efficiency and high yield cement peristaltic hose pump

High efficiency and high yield cement peristaltic hose pump are also known as peristaltic pumps, which consist primarily of pump houses, rotors, rollers, idle rollers, squeeze tubes, and drive units. The squeeze hose of the pump house is U-shaped, and the hose deforms when the rotor drive rotates the roll. After the rollers rotate, the deformed hose recovers due to its elasticity. Therefore, a negative pressure is generated on this hose, which sucks the slurry and drains it from the outlet under the indentation of the roller, eventually forming the pressure transfer of the slurry.

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High efficiency and high yield cement peristaltic hose pump are also known as peristaltic pumps, which consist primarily of pump houses, rotors, rollers, idle rollers, squeeze tubes, and drive units. The squeeze hose of the pump house is U-shaped, and the hose deforms when the rotor drive rotates the roll. After the rollers rotate, the deformed hose recovers due to its elasticity. Therefore, a negative pressure is generated on this hose, which sucks the slurry and drains it from the outlet under the indentation of the roller, eventually forming the pressure transfer of the slurry.
High efficiency and high yield cement peristaltic hose pump pumping material, sludge material, there is no contact between the product and mechanical parts, and the only hose to replace is squeezing. Massive peristaltic pumps for hydrocarbon sludge can be widely used in many projects such as construction, underground construction, petrochemical industry, metallurgy, food industry, ceramics, mining, water treatment, hydrocarbon sludge pumps, and more. The customer can change the appropriate material squeeze hose depending on the characteristics of the pump material.


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