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hydroseeder machine for golf course grass seeding

High-strength and corrosion-resistant geonets are used for anchorage during the construction of the hydroseeder machine for golf course grass seeding. Before the construction of the hanging net, the slope must be leveled; if the stability of the slope is poor, the main rivets can be properly encrypted.

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High-strength and corrosion-resistant geonets are used for anchorage during the construction of the hydroseeder machine for golf course grass seeding. Before the construction of the hanging net, the slope must be leveled; if the stability of the slope is poor, the main rivets can be properly encrypted. During construction, rivets are firstly fixed on the rock slope to fix the high galvanized netting, and then the planting substrates of corresponding thickness are sprayed on the nets successively. The spraying thickness is determined according to the geological and rocky soil conditions. When spraying, spray in two layers, and add seeds to the upper matrix.


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