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industrial peristaltic concrete tube pump for pumping sludge and mining slurry

The principle of the industrial peristaltic concrete tube pump for pumping sludge and mining slurry is the same as the principle of the peristaltic pump. The runner squeezes the industrial peristaltic concrete tube pump tube and rotates to push the fluid in the tube forward, creating a fluid flow similar to squeezing with two fingers.

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The principle of the industrial peristaltic concrete tube pump for pumping sludge and mining slurry is the same as the principle of the peristaltic pump. The runner squeezes the industrial peristaltic concrete tube pump tube and rotates to push the fluid in the tube forward, creating a fluid flow similar to squeezing with two fingers. liquid. As your finger moves, a negative pressure is created in the tube and the liquid flows with it.


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