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Industrial peristaltic pump for high viscosity

Industrial peristaltic pumps for high viscosity unique advantages of hose pumps make them more and more widely used in gold smelting, non-ferrous smelting, chemical industry, mining, food processing, brewing, ceramics, water treatment, and other industries.

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Industrial peristaltic pumps for high viscosity unique advantages of hose pumps make them more and more widely used in gold smelting, non-ferrous smelting, chemical industry, mining, food processing, brewing, ceramics, water treatment, and other industries.
Industrial peristaltic pump for high viscosity has a life span of 7-10 years. The biggest challenge is the hose of the hose pump, which is the core component of the hose pump, and its life is directly related to the cost of the pump. It can be said that hose pumps are designed around maximize hose life.


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