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Manufacturer produces concrete hose pump

Manufacturer produces concrete hose pump conveys gas-containing liquid and foam liquid without air resistance; conveying high-viscosity and shear-sensitive media is also a strong point; the fixed displacement per revolution is independent of the outlet pressure and is a natural metering pump.

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Manufacturer produces concrete hose pump conveys gas-containing liquid and foam liquid without air resistance; conveying high-viscosity and shear-sensitive media is also a strong point; the fixed displacement per revolution is independent of the outlet pressure and is a natural metering pump. Various advantages make soft KP tube pumps more and more widely used in gold smelting, nonferrous smelting, chemical industry, mining, food processing, brewing, ceramics, water treatment and other industries.
It may still not be clear to some customers of grout peristaltic pumps. Manufacturer produces concrete hose pump began in the middle of the last century. After decades of development, it has gradually developed from a low-pressure peristaltic pump in the laboratory to a high-pressure peristaltic pump used in the industrial field. The flow rate also ranges from milliliters per hour to tens of cubic meters per hour. It is also recognized and familiar with more and more customers.


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