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Seed spraying machine for Malaysia

Seed spraying machine for Malaysia is widely used in highway slope green and slope stability. As you may see, hydroseeding is a seeding process in which seed and hydromulch are mixed into a slurry and applied to an area with water. It usually consists of a blend of seed, fertilizer, mulch, and a tracking agent that is mixed with water to be sprayed from a specialized machine.

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Seed spraying machine for Malaysia is widely used in highway slope green and slope stability. As you may see, hydroseeding is a seeding process in which seed and hydromulch are mixed into a slurry and applied to an area with water. It usually consists of a blend of seed, fertilizer, mulch, and a tracking agent that is mixed with water to be sprayed from a specialized machine.

Any seed used in lawn or roadside applications can be used in a seed spraying machine for Malaysia. Any grass that can be grown from seed can be planted as well as wildflowers and crown vetch. Seeds used for hydroseeding do not need to be anything special.

Seed spraying machine for Malaysia can greatly lower labor costs. One person can operate a seed spraying machine for Malaysia, simultaneously applying hydromulch, seed, fertilizer, tackifier, and water. The use of straw is eliminated. China hydroseeder is easier to store and transport than straw. It does not produce dust during application. It will not blow off and does not need to be removed. Slope green hydroseeder does not contain weed seed as straw does. It won’t cause a loss of nitrogen as it decomposes as straw does. Hydroseeding has a neat green appearance that is far more attractive than straw. It is easy to understand why hydroseeding is becoming the method of choice of consumers and professionals alike.


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