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truck mounted wet shotcrete machine

The truck-mounted wet shotcrete machines are mainly used in railway and highway tunnel projects. The truck-mounted wet shotcrete machine has significant advantages such as small operating dust, less spray rebound, protecting of the working environment, saving raw materials, improving the quality of the spray layer, and is easy to operate and maintain.

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The truck-mounted wet shotcrete machines are mainly used in railway and highway tunnel projects. The truck-mounted wet shotcrete machine has significant advantages such as small operating dust, less spray rebound, protecting of the working environment, saving raw materials, improving the quality of the spray layer, and is easy to operate and maintain.
The difference between wet shotcrete machines and dry wet shotcrete machines: In principle, dry spraying is to put the mixture (excluding water) into the sprayer after mixing, add water to the nozzle, and then spray it out under the action of wind pressure; Spraying is to put the mixture (water) into the jet machine after mixing, accelerate the coagulant at the nozzle, and then spray it out under the action of wind pressure, so you can judge the type of the shotcrete machine just by looking at where the water is added.


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