Grout mixing plant and pumping system for hydroelectric power project

February 05, 2021

The grout mixing plant and pumping system is the key equipment in the grouting construction. The performance and quality of the grout mixing plant and pumping system play a decisive role in the safety, quality and efficiency of the grouting project. If the choice of grout mixing plant and pumping system for hydroelectric power project is blind and arbitrary, it may cost a greater price and fail to achieve the expected results, or even cause engineering accidents. It should be taken as a warning and improved scientifically.

grout mixing plant and pumping system

The grout mixing plant and pumping system for hydroelectric power project has the advantages of low energy consumption, low vibration, low noise, small size, high efficiency, stable and reliable performance, convenient pressure and flow adjustment, and long service life. The maximum pressure of the pump can be set; unnecessary losses during the grouting process can be avoided; the grouting method is to hydraulically press the grout into the cracks of the rock or soil layer and fill it up and compact, and new cracks will be punched out during the grouting process As a result, frequent changes in grouting pressure are formed, and sometimes the grouting pressure will change drastically and drastically.

grout mixing plant and pumping system

The characteristics of this working condition determine the expected performance of the grouting pump:

(1) The grout mixing plant and pumping system for hydroelectric power project should have a large adjustment range of the grouting volume. Generally, the change between the final grouting volume and the initial grouting volume is about 8-10 times. The final amount of grouting is small, which proves that the filling and compaction is good.

grout mixing plant and pumping system

(2) The grout mixing plant and pumping system should have reliable pressure control capability. Because the grouting "fills and compacts" will inevitably result in the overpressure of the grouting pump, the pump should reduce the amount of grouting in time to reduce the flow resistance of the grout in the gap, so as to avoid grouting fracturing and road bumps. , Mechanical accidents, etc. The grouting pump preferably has the ability to automatically adjust the grouting volume as the grouting pressure changes.

(3) The grout mixing plant system should be simple in operation and maintenance, and safe and reliable in use. Because the slurry used by the grouting pump is easy to precipitate and solidify, the grout mixing plant system must ensure that there is no pause in the middle of each grouting (preventive maintenance before grouting should be done). The working conditions in the mine are difficult, and the grouting pump must be reliable and absolutely explosion-proof.

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